Roberta Flack / Chapter Two [Atlantic / SD 8230]
Roberta Flack / Chapter Two
[Atlantic / SD 8230]

本作は、2ndアルバムとなる1970年作品。ボブディランのカバー「Just Like A Woman」、ネタでお馴染み「Gone Away」等、ダニーハサウェイ、カーティスメイフィールド、ジーンマクダニエルズらニューソウル派ソングライターの曲を取り上げている。バックは、エリックゲイル、キングカーティス、チャックレイニー、デオダート等、錚々たる面子が参加。
A1 Reverend Lee
A2 Do What You Gotta Do
A3 Just Like A Woman
A4 Let It Be Me
B1 Gone Away
B2 Until It's Time For You To Go
B3 The Impossible Dream
B4 Business Goes On As Usual
Roberta Flack - vocals, piano
Eumir Deodato - conductor, horn arrangements, string arrangements
Joel Dorn - arranger, producer
Eric Gale - guitar
Donny Hathaway - piano, arranger, background vocals
Marshall Hawkins, Terry Plumeri, Chuck Rainey - bass guitar
King Curtis - arranger, background vocals, producer
Ray Lucas, Bernard Sweetney - drums
Gene McDaniels - background vocals
Warren Smith - percussion
Chauncey Welsch, Ernie Royal, Frank Wess, Garnett Brown, George Marge, John Frosk, John Glasel, Trevor Lawrence - horns
Hubert Laws, Joe Gentle - alto & bass flute
Corky Hale - harp
John Swallow - euphonium
Alfred Brown, Arnold Black, Emanuel Green, Gene Orloff, Harry Lookofsky, Joe Malin, Kermit Moore, Leo Kahn, Lewis Eley, Max Kahn, Max Pollikoff, Noel Dacosta, Peter Buonconsiglio, Peter Dimitriades, Raoul Poliakin, Sanford Allen, Selwart Clarke, Seymour Myroff, Tosha Samaroff - strings
本作は、2ndアルバムとなる1970年作品。ボブディランのカバー「Just Like A Woman」、ネタでお馴染み「Gone Away」等、ダニーハサウェイ、カーティスメイフィールド、ジーンマクダニエルズらニューソウル派ソングライターの曲を取り上げている。バックは、エリックゲイル、キングカーティス、チャックレイニー、デオダート等、錚々たる面子が参加。
A1 Reverend Lee
A2 Do What You Gotta Do
A3 Just Like A Woman
A4 Let It Be Me
B1 Gone Away
B2 Until It's Time For You To Go
B3 The Impossible Dream
B4 Business Goes On As Usual
Roberta Flack - vocals, piano
Eumir Deodato - conductor, horn arrangements, string arrangements
Joel Dorn - arranger, producer
Eric Gale - guitar
Donny Hathaway - piano, arranger, background vocals
Marshall Hawkins, Terry Plumeri, Chuck Rainey - bass guitar
King Curtis - arranger, background vocals, producer
Ray Lucas, Bernard Sweetney - drums
Gene McDaniels - background vocals
Warren Smith - percussion
Chauncey Welsch, Ernie Royal, Frank Wess, Garnett Brown, George Marge, John Frosk, John Glasel, Trevor Lawrence - horns
Hubert Laws, Joe Gentle - alto & bass flute
Corky Hale - harp
John Swallow - euphonium
Alfred Brown, Arnold Black, Emanuel Green, Gene Orloff, Harry Lookofsky, Joe Malin, Kermit Moore, Leo Kahn, Lewis Eley, Max Kahn, Max Pollikoff, Noel Dacosta, Peter Buonconsiglio, Peter Dimitriades, Raoul Poliakin, Sanford Allen, Selwart Clarke, Seymour Myroff, Tosha Samaroff - strings